Hi, I’m Marisa
I’m here to help you achieve your fitness and health goals.
To help you find your inner strength and develop a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
To help you not only feel and look great now but also still kick ass when you’re in your 80’s.
I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, ACE Functional Training Specialist, and MIT grad.
But beyond that…
I am what one might call, fit and nerdy.
I’ve always been nerdy, but I wasn’t always fit.
I was that kid in middle school who felt the need to get extra credit on everything and always be right. Like Hermione, but without the magic, unfortunately. I loved school but HATED exercise. My parents literally had to drag me out of the house to get me to stop doing my homework and actually move my body. I had zero interest in working out or being active.
My dedication to learning and knowledge got me in to MIT where I eventually got a Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Writing. My freshman year I finally hopped on the elliptical after I started to gain weight.
My only goals for this were to:
Be skinny.
Not hate my body.
Not feel bad about myself for not exercising.
I hated it.
I hated fitness because:
I saw it as punishment and a way to compensate for what I ate.
I felt like I was killing myself on the elliptical but didn’t see any change.
I didn’t know what I was doing.
I felt trapped.
The elliptical felt like my own personal torture device designed to crush my soul.
But one winter while procrastinating on studying for finals,
I discovered a whole new world
I was binge watching other female fitness YouTubers and discovered a whole new meaning of fitness.
I discovered that fitness could be about so much more than trying to not get fat.
I discovered that a fit and healthy lifestyle could be:
Designed around what I personally enjoyed.
Whatever I wanted it to be.
So I signed up for a weightlifting PE course at my school and immediately fell in love.
I had found a way of exercising that made me:
feel strong.
feel less stressed.
excited to get out of bed in the morning to go to the gym.
feel as though the gym was a place of salvation rather than torture.
Learning to lift inspired me to dive deeper and deeper into fitness and nutrition, reading study after study on all sorts of topics. I got my personal training certification just so that I could learn more about fitness. I was constantly listening to podcasts to absorb as much information as possible.
Even though I had done sports as a kid and dabbled in the elliptical at the beginning of college, this was the true beginning of my fitness journey.
I felt reborn.
Since starting my fitness journey, I …
Have gotten closer than ever to building the body of my dreams
Sped up my metabolism to where I am now eating 1000 more calories today than I was trying to eat before.
Learned how to stop hating my body for not looking “perfect” all the time and instead love it for what it is capable of and how strong it is.
Discovered that I don’t need to be on some extreme diet or starve myself to be lean and look “toned.”
Started to appreciate that food is fuel, not the enemy. And that exercise is a practice in self-betterment, not punishment.
It is time for me to pay it forward.
My ultimate goal is to help you find the same passion that I found and to provide you with the educational tools to do something with it so that you too can transform your body and mind into a healthier, stronger, you. I want to help you look and feel great now but also set you on a path to still kick ass when you’re in your 80s.
Does that sound good to you?
If so, there’s no better time than the present to check out the options I have available to work with me. And if you don’t have time to work one-on-one (I know you’re probably busy studying and getting those #BrainGains) then check out my workout programs!