One-on-one personal training with Marisa
One hour to ask Marisa any questions you have about your fitness journey
Get Marisa’s support on your reverse diet or fat loss journey
H o l i s t i c F i t n e s s
C o a c h i n g
One-on-one coaching with Marisa
One hour intro call
Weekly email check-ins
Customized workout plan based on your goals and your body
Customized nutrition plan based on your goals and your body
Customized wellness plan to get you on track with stress & sleep
Daily access to me via slack during business hours for any questions you have!
Optional 25 minute call once a month to sit down and chat, bring me to the gym with you, bring me to the grocery store with you, whatever you need!
C o n s u l t a t i o n
One Hour Consultation with Marisa
One hour video call
Advice on next steps to help you achieve your goals
Ask me any/all of your health & fitness questions
*Does not include a customized program
G r o u p C o a c h i n g
I have two group coaching courses: Fat Loss 101 and Reverse Dieting 101
Fat Loss 101: The Healthy Weight Loss Guide is a comprehensive course on how to lose fat in a healthy, sustainable way so that you can keep it off for good!
Reverse Dieting 101: The Metabolism Repair Manual is a complete course that includes all of the information and tools you need to speed up your metabolism and reverse diet the right way so that you can finally lose fat and feel amazing!
While the content of each course differs, they both include:
Lifetime access to all course content (video modules, textbook, optimized workout programs, and exclusive tools & spreadsheets)
Group coaching in a forum where Marisa will answer your questions for the duration of the course
Monthly live workshops to address questions in more depth
My help customizing your program to your body, your history, and your goals
Support from the rest of your class who will be going along this journey with you